About Hypnobirth Tribe
Hello, I'm Julie Christopoulos from Hypnobirth Tribe. After going through my first pregnancy, I felt this amazing empowerment and connection with my body, my husband and my child. The experience was intense and overwhelming, but also so wonderful and I was grateful to have learned how to hypnobirth as it kept me balanced throughout my pregnancy and during birth. After the birth of my son I felt that it was my calling to change my corporate career to a more meaningful one.
I have become a Hypnobirthing Australia™ Practitioner to spread the word of positive birthing. As my son grew so did my passion for helping other parents realise their birth potential. It became apparent to me that positive pregnancies and birthing requires a 'tribe' - a tribe of like-minded, passionate advocates of the mind-body connection to achieve calm and positive births no matter the birthing circumstance.
There is a current urgent need for parents to be able to access positive birth support in order to feel empowered and ready for birth. I decided to address this need. And so, Hypnobirth Tribe was born.